The Conflicts With Strange Alien Beings in Russia’s Top-Secret UFO Files (Videos)

Strange extraterrestrial spacecraft that were aimed at military objectives caused the Soviet Union to feel threatened throughout the 1940s and 1950s.

Between 1940 and 1950, several sightings of men in black, flying saucers, and fourth-generation extraterrestrial interactions were claimed in the American media.

The mysterious UFOs also alarmed Russia’s adversaries as extraterrestrial encounters in the United States grew increasingly bizarre.

As I have said, the Soviets observed a sharp rise in the number of extraterrestrial spacecraft in Russian airspace about the same time as the Americans.


Paul Stonehill, a researcher on UFOs, said:

The number of UFOs that entered Russian airspace and did whatever they pleased without seeking permission from the Kremlin astounded the Soviets.

More direct contact between aliens and humans occurred in Russia than the US, and UFOs showed a special interest in covert military sites.

“There have been many orders to fire down UFOs.”


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