20 surprising facts about the Black Knight satellite that is believed to have originated from another planet, it has become one of the greatest mysteries in the history of space exploration
this “artificial satellite” has received increased media interest since the late 1950s and has become one of the most talked about space objects.

Here are some interesting facts about this mysterious object:
1. According to monitoring agencies around the world, the Black Knight satellite has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years.
2. The United States and the Soviet Union expressed particular interest in this “unidentified space object”
3. Nikola Tesla is said to have been the first man to “intercept” a signal from the Black Knight satellite in 1899 after building a high-voltage radio device in Colorado Springs.
4. Since the 1930s, astronomers around the world have been reporting strange radio signals believed to come from the "Black Knight."

1998 NASA photo of a mysterious object thought by some conspiracy theorists to be an extraterrestrial satellite, the “Black Knight”.
5. In 1957, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Venezuelan Ministry of Communications photographed him taking pictures of Sputnik II as he drove through Caracas.
6. The Black Knight story first hit the media in the 1940s when the St. Louis Dispatch and the San Francisco Examiner wrote about the “Satellite” on May 14, 1954.
7. Time magazine wrote on the Black Knight satellite on March 7, 1960.
8. In 1957, an unknown "object" was seen "following" the spacecraft Sputnik 1. The "unidentified object" was said to have been in polar orbit.
9. Neither the United States nor the Russians had the technology to keep a spacecraft in polar orbit.
10. The first polar-orbiting satellite was launched in 1960.
11. Polar orbits are often used for earth mapping, earth observation, capturing the earth over time from one point, and reconnaissance satellites.

12. In the 1960s, the Black Knight satellite returned to polar orbit.
13. The Dark Knight's orbit was unlike any other object orbiting the earth.
14. Grumman Aircraft Corporation gave a lot of importance to this mysterious “satellite”.
15. Grumman Aircraft Corporation has formed a committee to study the data received from sightings made but nothing has been made public.
16. In 1963, Gordon Cooper was launched into space.
17. It was the amateur radio operator who apparently decoded a series of signals received from the UFO satellite and interpreted them as a map of the sky centered on the Epsilon Bootes star system.
18. According to the decoded message, the Black Knight satellite originated from the Epsilon Bootes star system 13,000 years ago.
19. On August 23, 1954, the technology magazine Aviation Week and Space technology published an article about the Black Knight satellite that angered the Pentagon, which was trying to keep the information secret.
20. NASA has released official images that appear to show the Black Knight satellite.
source: anomalien.com